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You have just received your insurance premium statement? Are you thinking "How am I going to pay this?"

Let's consider....Premium Funding.

Insurance premium funding is an innovative and cost effective way for companies to preserve cash flow and manage risk.  Often, a large lump sum payment at the commencement of the insurance period can place unnecessary strain on the cash resources of a business or, may have a negative impact upon a company's debt facilities.  

There are many benefits to premium funding your insurance premiums such as:

» Allows you to spread your total premium payable over six to twelve monthly payments 
 » This can be done for multiple policies and it can be for both business and/or personal insurance premiums
 » Smaller frequent repayments allows you to use the freed up cash flow for growth and other financial needs
 » The interest payable on the premium funding contract is a tax deduction
 » Fixed interest rates for the period of the contract

Win Win!

Get in touch and let us know you would like this option included with your premiums for consideration.